Time Notes in the Time Editor

Time Notes in the Time Editor

Creating Notes
To create a Note, Select Time, then Time Editor.

Select the record(s) you would like to add a note to and then click Edit

Once the record is in edit mode select the Notes tab. All notes that have been added to a time record will appear here in this tab.

To add a note, select 'New'.

Type the note into the text box. When finished, either click Done to add the note or Cancel to discard it. 

After clicking Done, click the Save button. New Notes will NOT SAVE if the save button is not clicked.
NOTE - Any note that is created only pertains to the record it was added to. Multiple notes can be added to the same time record.

After a note has been added, the note icon will show up on the record.

Editing and removing Notes
To edit notes, select a record in the Time Editor with a note attached to it. If a record as a note, it will be marked with the below tag.

Select the record(s) with notes you would like to edit, click on the Notes tab, and click Edit.

To edit a note click Edit button 

 Make any necessary changes to the note, click Done, and then click Save. Click Cancel to delete changes.

To remove a note click Remove, then click Save.

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