Navigating Time Editor

Navigating Time Editor

Prior to a user reviewing, editing, allocating and/or approving time records, it is important to understand the navigation capabilities of the "Time Editor" screen.

Setting the Date Range

There are two ways to view time records by date range. These are selected under the "Pay Period Type" located to the left of the "Period" field (where the selected date range displays):

1. Set Pay Period - Your company will have at least one "Pay Period" setup, normally called "Default Pay Period" (Pay Periods are setup under the Settings menu in the Time Module).  Additional "Pay Periods" may be setup if needed.  The preset Pay Period (in this case "Default Pay Period") will be set to view Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Bi-Month, or Monthly.  As an example, if the "Default Pay Period" was previously set to weekly with a starting day of Monday, I can set the date range to the 5th (Tuesday) and then upon clicking "Go" the  data range will display the 4th (Monday) through the 10th (Sunday). (see screenshot below)

2.  Picked Date Range - If no Pay Period is selected, or the defined Pay Period is removed (by clicking the X), the field will display "Picked Date Range".  When "Picked Date Range" is displayed the dates can be set to any range and when clicking "Go" it will display all time records in that range. (see screenshot below.)

Custom Setting Columns

Time Record Columns can be removed or moved so that time record data can be viewed according to the users preference.

To remove or move a column:

1. click the square button located to the top right of the time record table. this will open a drop down window that displays every column.

2. To remove columns from view, uncheck the box next to each column you do not need to see.

3. To move a column forward or backward in the list, click and hold the up/down arrow to the right of the column and after dragging it up or down to the desired position, release it.

4.  Once done, click the check mark icon at the top right of the window to save.

Your columns will immediately adjust and will be saved specifically to you via your unique orkMax login. (see below screenshot)

Filtering and Sorting

When viewing time records it can be difficult to navigate if all time records are displayed for the selected date range.  To help with this, you can sort columns by simply clicking the column header or filter by selecting the down arrow in the search field. (see screenshot below)

Selected Total Hours

When viewing time records, if you want to see total hours based on selected time records, simply select the desired records and the Selected total hours will display at the bottom left of the time record table. In the screenshot below you will see that the five days of time records that George worked in the pay period have been selected.  With this selection the Selected Total Hours displays and we can now see how many hours he's worked for the week.

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