Identifying Tags in the Time Editor.
The Tags in the Time Editor are used to indicate important information about the Time Record, as seen below.
You can sort by the various tags using the option below. This will filter the time records to only show those with the selected tags.
The following is a screenshot of all the tags that can be seen in the Time Editor, as well as what that icon indicates:
1. This is the asset symbol, and indicates that the employee had an asset checked out in this time record.
2. This tag indicates that the time on this record has been manually allocated.
3. This tag indicates that the employee used facial recognition, and that the picture taken is within the predetermined threshold.
4. This tag indicates that the employee used facial recognition, but that there was a mismatch, and that the photo does not match the employee's profile picture.
5. This tag indicates that there are notes attached to this time record.
6. This indicates that the record was recorded on a mobile device.
7. This indicates that there is a form(s) attached to this time record.
8. This tag indicates that GPS coordinates were captured for this time record, and that they were taken within the set GeoFence.
9. This tag indicates that GPS coordinates were captured for this time record, and that they were taken outside of the set GeoFence.
10. This indicates that the time record is incomplete.
11. This indicates that there is a discrepancy with the time record.
12. This indicates that this time record was created on a computer, either within the time editor or on the web clock.
13. This indicates that the time record was edited.
If you forget what any of these tags mean, you can hover your mouse over them and get a brief description.