Setting Up Tasks

Setting Up Tasks

Note - Task is a Flex-Field that can be renamed to personalize your system and is therefore highlighted in green to indicate that a name change may have taken place. 

For more info on Flex-Fields check out the article Flex-Fields in WorkMax.

Note - In the Task set up process, you will be applying some settings from the List Editor. To avoid having to come back and complete the Task set up later, it is recommended that you first complete the steps in the following article before setting up a Task:

Setting Up The List Editor

To start, hover over the Settings drop-down and select Tasks.

To create a new Task click New. and complete the following fields. Note - Name is the only required field:

1. Name of the Task

2. Status is where you mark the Task  as Active for use throughout the WorkMax system.

3. Parent Task. Selecting a Task from the drop down will assign this Task as it's child.

4. External ID is a unique identifier to connect the Task to an external system. In most cases, if you are manually adding a Task there is no need to enter an External ID.

5. Code is a unique identifier used for the Task throughout the WorkMax modules.

6. Bar Code that can be used to clock in to the task.

7. Assign the Task a Division. This only applies if you are utilizing Divisions.  Divisions are set up in the System Module.

8. Assign the Task Department. This designates which department you want the task to be associated with.

9. Assign the Task a Pay Code.  If using a standard single set of Pay Code's, you do not need to specify a Pay Code here as the standard will be used by default.

10. Assign the Task a Unit of Measure.  This is only needed if you are planning on tracking Units and have built a list of different Units of Measure.

11. Check the box track Asset usage.

12. Enter in Production Units for Task. Checking the checkbox will provide an additional field to enter units when logging time to this Task. This ties to field 8, Unit of Measure.

13. Overtime Exempt. Checking the checkbox will exclude time logged to this Task from any overtime calculations.

14. Geofence Except. Checking this excludes this task from geofence checking.

Click the Save button to save the Task.

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