Reloading Location Maps using ConnnectMax

Reloading Location Maps using ConnnectMax

If you have Locations that are not showing GPS coordinates or a Map but do have a valid address, you can update the coordinates in 1 of 2 ways as detailed below.

If there are just a few Locations you can perform the following steps:
  1. Log in to WorkMax.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Select Location from the menu.
  4. Select the Location you wish to update or load GPS coordinates.
  5. Select Edit in the top right of the screen.
  6. Click Save.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each additional Location.

In instances where you have many Locations needing to be updated you can use ConnectMax by preforming the following steps:
  1. Launch ConnectMax.
  2. Navigate to the Import menu.
  3. Select Accounting Import.
  4. Select the Location tab.
  5. Select all desired Locations. Note:  Selected Locations are indicated by a check mark.
  6. Check the Force Update box at the bottom right. Note: When Force Update is checked the status of "None" will be ignored.
  7. Click the Sync button. (See below images)

The sync may take a little longer than normal depending on how many Locations are being updated.

Once the Sync is complete you should be able to launch WorkMax and see that Coordinates are loaded for the Locations you updated.

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