Productivity homepage is a place where Executives, Administrators, Superintendents and other leaders at your company can come to see the overall productivity health of your job sites.
In order to start using Productivity you will need to:
1. Have an Insight license
2. Have imported jobs from your accounting system or set up manual permissions with jobs and tasks selected
3. Have imported or manually added hours and or unit level budgets per task
Note: If you do not have budgets set on your tasks, the data visuals will not populate.
Updating Productivity Data
Productivity page data as of 6/28/2021 will need to be updated manually by press the sync icon in the top right hand corner.
Locations List
Shows a list of your active jobs with the job trend. You can click on any job in this list and you'll be taken to the job productivity details page.
Locations Hours Complete vs. Budget
Shows your jobs categorized based on the jobs' completed hours vs their budget. In the example below, I have 4 jobs that have completed less than 60% of their hours compared to their budgeted hours. I also have 1 job that has completed 81% - 100% of it's hours compared to it's budgeted hours. You can click on any segment in the pie chart to show you a list of jobs in that pie chart segment. Once the list populates, you can choose a job and be taken to that job's productivity details page
Locations Units Complete vs. Budget
The locations units complete vs budget is similar to the previous data visual but instead using hours, it's using units. Shows your jobs categorized based on the jobs' completed units vs their budget. In the example below, I have 3 jobs that have completed less than 60% of their units compared to their budgeted units. I also have 1 job that has completed 61% - 80% of it's units compared to it's budgeted units. I also have 1 job in red that has gone over it's budgeted units. You can click on any segment in the pie chart to show you a list of jobs in that pie chart segment. Once the list populates, you can choose a job and be taken to that job's productivity details page.
My Active Locations - Trending Hours
You can see jobs that are trending to go over their budgeted hours (RED) and jobs that are trending go under their budgeted hours.(GREEN)