New Permissions

New Permissions


The end goal of permissions is to restrict your employees to only view and use certain jobs, tasks, assets, forms, custom lists and devices. Every company has their own spin on using permissions. Many companies absolutely need to have their employees pick a certain job that has a short list of job specific tasks. This is very important because most accounting systems only accept certain tasks for certain jobs. Employees only need to see a handful of jobs with their associated tasks even though you may have a list of hundreds of jobs in your WorkMax account.

1. The "Permissions" tab houses 2 different varieties of permission sets; Imported and Simple (Manually Created).

2. Selecting New will allow you to create a new Simple Permission Set.

3. Imported permission sets are represented by this icon. Previously called "Automatic Permissions", these permission sets only have a job or a job and it's phase with it's associated tasks checked.   When pulling information using ConnectMax, it can see your job and or phases and their task associations in your accounting database and can create a permission set upon import.  When one of your employees has a permission set like this and they select a job, they will only see that jobs' tasks on a mobile device and in the Control Center. This icon filters by Imported Permission sets in the list below.

4. Simple Permission sets are represented by this icon These manually created permission sets do not update automatically when new devices, jobs, tasks, etc are created and or imported into your WorkMax account. Whatever you have checked is what people will see on their mobile devices and or in the Control Center. For example, if you do not want an employee to see a certain job you have checked on their assigned permission set, you will need to uncheck that job. This icon filters by Simple Permission sets in the list below.

5. This list contains both imported and Simple permission sets. You can filter this list by using #3 and #4 above. The triangles to the left of each permission set open that permission set for viewing and editing.

6. Permission Profiles  are represented by this icon. The "Profiles" tab in permissions allows for the assignment of imported permissions such as, employee, locations, tasks, devices, forms, assets and custom lists. This will allow you to create a profile with a set of individual permissions that can be assigned to new employees.  After you set up your Permission Profiles, you will no longer have to manually select individual permissions every single time that you hire a new employee with the same permissions as existing employees. 

Creating a Simple Permission:

1. The default permission is Full Access
2. To add a new permission, select the New button.

"Note" There is no limit to the number of permissions that can be added.

After selecting the New button:

1. You can assign a Permission Name.

2. Give it a Parent Permission (if applicable).

3. Set whether or not the Permission Status is active  

4. Select what Locations, Assets, Tasks, Devices,Forms, and Custom lists you want assigned to this Permissions set.

5. Select Save.

Below are two examples of how Permissions can be used:

Example 1.

The above Field Crew Permission has been created for employees working at Locations in the field.  These permissions will allow the employees to log in to their devices, select what job they are working at and the tasks needed to accomplish the job.

The above Foreman Permission is setup for an ABTT Location, Brick Oven, Cal-Ranch, Lehi Landing and Murdoch's where hours need to be tracked without the detail of different Locations and Tasks.  Once this Permission is assigned to the employee, it gives them access to only the Office Location and Office Task when Clocking IN.

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