August 2022 Mobile

August 2022 Mobile

Mobile 2.1.7 - 08/09/22

Fixed - Permissions/device challenge found with Insight

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

Mobile 2.1.6 - 08/01/22

Fixed - Form does not load when opening the ladder safety check list
Fixed Insight User Role adding Cost Codes to job permission that don't belong to permissions
Fixed Camera goes away when clocking in someone else
Fixed - Formula tables will not load again when saved into drafts before syncing
Fixed Unsynced records and sync all forms not showing 
Fixed Treeview crash when no search results

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

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