February 2023 Control Center

February 2023 Control Center

Control Center Release: 02/28/2023

Fixed - Improve wrapping within cells (when using Productivity Editor on lower resolution displays or in narrow browser windows, text will now wrap to the next line correctly in each cell)
Fixed - Auto Lunch After Midnight Reports Issue
New - Productivity Editor honoring location perm graph (improvements to honoring Permissions inside Productivity Editor)
New - Separation of current tab loaded data PE (the All vs. By Location views will load separately when chosen rather than both at the same time which should improve Productivity Editor load times)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

Control Center Release: 02/26/2023

Fixed - Unit Entry in Time Editor not Divided Among New Manually Created Multiple Records (creating new records in TE with multiple employees selected will divide the units evenly among all)
Fixed - Delete Closed PE Records (fix for deleting closed records. Closed records must be re-opened before they can be deleted)
New - Full main suite of privileges for CRs (update to Insight User Roles. New privileges and more granular control over Insight access)
New - PE date picker not sticky (Productivity Editor will now remember user’s selected date range as long as they use the same browser and same computer)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

Control Center Release: 02/16/2023

Fixed - Non Admin Can't Run Custom Reports, or View Standard Custom Reports (fix for issue where non-admins could not run or view CR)
Fixed - "Enter in Units" not enforced in TE and PE (only tasks with units tracking turned on will get the option to enter units. Added a new option to require units entry on clock out)
Fixed -  Productivity Editor Save Button Disappearing (corrects issue where save button was disappearing after creating records in rapid succession)
Fixed - CustomReports breaks when drop-down field of a form has null list options (fix for error in CR caused by forms with a blank drop-down list)
Fixed - Add CreatedTimestamp and UpdatedTimestamp in Time Data Source (new fields added in the Time data source for CR)
Fixed - CR Time Reports does not load batched data if InTimestamp is not present in detail band (fix for issue where batched data would not appear in CR)
Fixed - CustomReports Data Sources filter out the records of the end date of the selected date range (fix for issue where CR failed to show all of the records from the selected date range)
New  Productivity Editor Using Completed Shifts (back-end change to where PE pulls data from)
New  Productivity Editor honoring location perm graph (change PE to start honoring permissions: locations have certain tasks restricted etc.)
New  Include '/Productivity' data in CR time reports (change to include PE entries in CR)
New - PE should be tz agnostic (change to always show records’ date/time in current user’s browser time zone, and stop showing the individual time zone of each entry in PE)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

Control Center Release: 02/07/2023

Fixed - Add BE support for importing Employee Pay Group through CM (this is in preparation for CM to be able to import Employee Pay Group in the future)
Fixed - Nesting needs to show in pickers for filters (adds the ability to see parent/child relationships for filter lists on Custom Reports preview)
Fixed - Delete forms cause issue with custom reports running (fix for issue in Custom Reports caused by deleting a form template)
Fixed - Signatures not showing in Custom Reports drafts (fix for signatures not showing on draft forms in CR)
Fixed - Custom Reports Timezone Issue (fix for different in and out times in Custom Reports vs. Time Editor caused by time record having a different time zone than the CC user)
Fixed - Front not showing Back End selections for Time options in Modules (some selections in Modules > Time were showing blank even though they were saved in the back-end and working fine)
Fixed - State Manager Not Updating "received" State Value From Web Integration Import (fix for issue where accounts cannot create their very first online integration)
Fixed - Unable to see or edit table fields in Form when in Draft App Version 2.1.27 (fix for tables showing completely blank fields when sent in as a draft)
Fixed - Payroll Summary Data Source does not load the batched time records (fix for batched time records not showing up in the Payroll Summary data source in Custom Reports)
Fixed - Custom Reports will not pull the Parent Location data (fix for showing both the parent job name and child job name in Custom Reports)
Fixed - CustomReports Employee Time Card template sign-off parameter issue (fix for filtering the report by sign-off statuses)
Fixed - Custom Reports Employee Name and Dates Issue (fix for employee names missing or incorrect dates on some reports)
Fixed - CustomReports : Form's Employee, Location, Task and Asset data are blank in Combined Report Template (fix for blank forms data when using the Combined data source)
New - Add custom lists and custom fields to reports (allows adding custom list or custom field to Custom Reports)
New - Add /CompletedShift CR datasource (adds new CompletedShift data source to Custom Reports)
New - PE, all data inputs required (makes all fields required when filling out a new row in Productivity Editor)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

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