Setting up New Mobile Devices

Setting up New Mobile Devices

1, To set up a new device, select the Settings drop-down menu, and select Devices.  This will open the Device Manager screen.


2.  In the Devices Manager screen, click the +New button and complete the following fields (referenced in the screenshot below):
  1. Name. It is recommended that a descriptive name is used to make it easier in the future to differentiate between devices, such as “Josh iPhone” or “Field Clock”.

  2. If the device is a phone, the phone number can be entered. This is optional.

  3. If using Divisions in WorkMax, the Division can be selected.  This is optional.

  4. If using Departments in WorkMax, the Department can be selected.  This is optional.

  5. All employees with an email address added to their employee record will show in the Device Admin list. The Device Admin is the one who would receive the email, given that the box marked G is checked, but they cannot change any other settings or anything with the device. It is not necessary to select the employee for whom the device is being set up as Device Admin, though the field is required. .

  6. Check this box if you want to require GPS coordinates to be collected upon Clock IN and OUT.

  7. Check this box if you want an invite email sent to the Device Admin.

Note: For new devices, Status can be changed from Active to Inactive, although this is rare.  Status is typically changed for old devices that have been retired.

3. Once you have setup the device, click the Save button.  After Saving, an Invite Code will be generated.  

Note: The invite code will need to be entered on the device when the WorkMax mobile app is launched for the first time. You can view the invite code after you have created the device by clicking on the device name (see the below screenshot).  Once the device has sync'd successfully the Invite Code will be replaced by the Device ID.

3. Download the WorkMax mobile app from the Apple App Store (if you are on an iOS device) or from the Google Play Store (if you are on an Android device),

4. Launch the app. Upon the first Launch of the WorkMax App the following screen will appear:

5. Click in the text box and enter the Invite code.

6. Once the invite Code is entered, click the Register Device button.  The device will now sync, as indicated by the progress bar.

7. When synchronization is complete, the PIN screen will open.  Enter a valid Employee PIN number.

8. You will now be prompted to set an initial default Location for the device.  Select a Location.

The device is now setup and ready to be used.

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