In May 2021 we've updated how Asset Assignments works at it's core. We are now showing all active assets by default. Ultimately, you will be able to see WHO is assigned to an asset right now* and WHERE your asset is right now*.
To see where and with whom your equipment is simply select Assets then select Assignment. This will bring up all of your Assignment records.
1. Tags show if the Asset is Rented (R) or Owned (O)
2. Assignment Date shows the date the asset was assigned to a location, place or both.
3. Code typically is for accounting. This would be the number you enter in your accounting for billing.
4. Asset column shows the name of the asset you are tracking.
5. Employee From shows the last person who had the asset.
6. Employee To shows who has the Asset right now*. * As of the last sync from the mobile app
7. Location From shows the last location of the Asset.
8. Location To shows the current location * of the Asset. * As of the last sync from the mobile app
9. Assigned By shows the person who is Assigning the asset to other locations or employees.
10. Scheduled Date. This feature allows you to schedule equipment ahead of time. If you need to have a piece of equipment scheduled on a job site in 2 weeks you can mark it in the system so no one else is able to schedule it when you have it Scheduled to a job.
11. The Due Date is when you expect to be done with the Asset or When it may be due back to the vendor.