May 2023 Control Center

May 2023 Control Center

Control Center Release: 05/23/2023

Fixed - Custom List Edits Don't Take Effect Until After Refresh (Custom List edits will now show immediately in Time Editor)
Fixed - Scheduled Reports - Report Date Selection (Scheduled Reports date selection has been improved)
Fixed - Perm Graph Not Applied Correctly During Multi-Select (selecting multiple records with different Locations will show the common permissions between the Locations)
Fixed - Device Last Updated Sync Time (device last push sync time has been fixed)
Fixed - CR API : Incorrect Error Codes and Messages (API error messages have been improved)
Fixed - CR Time Reports : Display Productivity Dates Time Zone (reports with productivity original and updated times will display in the user’s time zone)
Fixed - CR API Latin Characters (improvements to they way Latin characters are handled)
New Add Monday thru Friday Starts After to OT (overtime rules can now be set by weekday)
New - Prevent Duplicate Budgets with the same Location Task combination (logic to prevent duplicate budgets from existing in WorkMax)
New - Form Submission State Parent / Child (for submissions with parent/complete, child/draft are now separated to allow the draft to be submitted separately)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

Control Center Release: 05/10/2023

Fixed - Scheduled Reports Should only Show Employees with Email Addresses (employee email-to list will only show employees that have an email address on their profile)
Fixed - Schedule Reports Email Selection (selecting an employee that doesn’t have an email address causing an issue in the list)
Fixed - Intacct Time Export Consolidation (time records exported to Intacct are now consolidated correctly)
Fixed - Web app Integrations Settings not showing (fix for web integration fields appearing blank)
Fixed - Admins Permission Graphs for PE (administrators will now see permissions applied in Productivity Editor)
New - Device Could Not Find GPS (Time Editor will now have three different colors for the geofence globe icon/tag. Black: All GPS coordinates fall within geofence. Red: One or more coordinates fall outside the geofence. Orange: The mobile device was not able to give our app GPS coordinates in a reasonable amount of time. The orange globe will be a rare occurrence, such as when the device has had no service or signal for an extended period)
New - Time Audit Log Report Filters/Performance (performance improvements for the Time Audit Log report)
New - Optimize CPU usage for Location Task Budget report (performance improvements for the Location Task Budget report)

Note: Once released to the app stores, it could take up to 24 hrs. for the app to show up in the store.

WorkMax Release Cycle and Update Strategy:


  • Control Center: WorkMax utilizes an agile development process allowing our team to push performance enhancements, features, and fixes out to our customer's Control Centers multiple times throughout the month, ensuring WorkMax customers are always able to take advantage of the very latest and greatest technology.  

  • Mobile App: iOS and Android mobile app updates are typically every 1 - 2 months. With mobile app updates, we aim to maintain a healthy balance of delivering the latest and greatest feature enhancements to customers without overwhelming them with too many updates.     

  • Many features in WorkMax require both the Control Center and the Mobile application working together. As a result some features and fixes may require the next/pending mobile app release to fully gain all benefits.*

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